Properties for sale Istria Croatia
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Way of work and general conditions of the estate agency Kvintet Ltd

The general business conditions determine the working relation between the Real Estate Agency Kvintet d.o.o. (hereinafter: Kvintet Real Estate Agents) as the broker, and the client (a physical or legal person).

The client accepts that they are familiar with the conditions of business of Kvintet Real Estate Agents.

Kvintet Ltd. does following services for the seller:
-  they inform seller about the situation on the real estate market, which is important for the price forming and the property estimation.
- advertising in the media in the way chosen by the intermediary
- organizing and leading the inspection of the property with the client, as well as leading negotiations during sales contracting process
- coordination of pre-sales and/or sales contract
- assisting by takeover of the property and composing the takeover report
- for the services carried out by selling property, Kvintet Ltd. charges the seller commission in amount 3% + VAT (25%) of sale price. The commission is payable at the sales contract signature.

Kvintet Ltd. does following services for the buyer:

- organizes and shows the chosen properties to the buyer
- gives the buyer proof on real estate ownership after the viewing the properties
- coordinates of pre-sales and/or sales contract
- coordinates the buyer and seller signature notarization at the notary office
- the Kvintet agency representative is present at the act of payment in the bank and at the takeover of the property.

After the property purchase, Kvintet Ltd does following actions for the buyer:
- submits tax declaration at the tax office.
- arranges all the documents necessary for transfer of the overhead expenses duty to the new owner
- submits the sale contract and request for the ownership registration on the new owner in the land register
- for the services accomplished at the sales inter-mediation Kvintet Ltd charges to the buyer commission of 3% + VAT(25%) of the sales price. The commission is payable by the pre-sale or sale contract signing.

Total cost for the buyer
1. In Croatia is common that the property transfer tax is paid by the buyer only. For the new properties, it is 0% and for the second hand properties it is 4% of the value of the sold property.
2. The agency commission is 3% + VAT
3. The public notary is 0.5% of the sales property price.
To summarize, the total cost that buyer pays is the 3.5% for the new properties or 7.5% of the sales price for the second hand properties.

Annual on-going costs:
- Waste Disposal Charges are around 40 euro
- Communal expenses are around 50 euro
- Electricity charges - 0n 01.04.2017 charged @ 10 cents per kWh
- Water charges - On 01.04.2017 one cubic meter of water costs 92 cents
- Property maintaining which is obligatory for the flats and not for the other objects goes from 168 euro to 300 euro per year.

3 Bedrooms
4 Bedrooms
6 Bedrooms